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January 10, 2022 | Refrigerators

Start the New Year Fresh with a New Refrigerator

french door refrigerator with groceries

The new year is upon us and it is time to make some changes. 

Maybe you are going to commit to finally sticking to a fitness routine. Maybe you want to start eating healthier. Or, maybe you just want to keep your life clean and organized – and much less cluttered and messy. 

Whatever it is you intend to do with your new year, you need to add a new refrigerator to the list, too. It’s the perfect time to buy one – and it can give you a fresh start. Besides, where else are you going to store all those healthy meals that you so awesomely meal-prepped for the week? You know very well your current fridge is too small and too packed to handle the job. 

Kick-off the new year with a new refrigerator and watch what can happen. 

Your Refrigerator is a Big Deal

Your refrigerator is a big deal. You may not think it is anything more than a kitchen appliance that gives you a cold brew when you want one. But, truly, your household probably couldn’t function well without it. 

If you didn’t have a refrigerator, there is a good chance that your kids would get tired of living off of rice and beans or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day. And, your significant other may stick around for a short time, but there is a good chance they will move on to someone with a healthy refrigerator. And, you, well – have you ever had a warm beer? Warm milk? Unrefrigerated bologna? See, you need a refrigerator so that you can nourish your family, both mind and body. 

Your refrigerator is a big deal and it is time you start treating it as such. 

A New Refrigerator for 2022

Whether your refrigerator is just old and rickety or it is totally outdated, it is time to treat yourself – and those you love – to something new. It is clean and beautiful and full of all the features you need to make the most of life in the kitchen!

By investing in a new refrigerator for a fresh start this new year, you are: 

Getting a clean slate. Moving the old one out and the new one in means having to go through your old refrigerator. Like, all of it. Get rid of the outdated condiments and the leftovers that have been shoved in the back for so long that they resemble a science project more than actual food. 

This always feels good and fresh. And it is such a great way to start the new year. 

Committing to staying organized. It is always so much easier to organize when you are starting fresh with something. When you have a new, updated refrigerator, you have the most advanced space that will allow you to utilize it to the best of your ability. You can organize it and keep it organized. After all, it is your new investment so you are going to want to have it stay nice and neat. 

Giving yourself space to store nourishment. With a new refrigerator, you have the perfect space to dedicate it toward proper nourishment and storing weekly prepped meals. You don’t have to move stuff around and try to find space in an overwhelmingly cluttered refrigerator. Instead, you just need to designate a spot for everything, especially those fruits, veggies, and easy grab meals – and then you’ve got everything perfectly placed in its spot. This feels good – and it helps with intentions, too. 

Making your kitchen shine. When you have a new refrigerator, you are giving your kitchen a beautiful way to shine. Imagine walking into your kitchen and being greeted with a bright, beautiful stainless steel refrigerator? It is sure to just make you feel good. And, even if you fill it with junk food and forget about your meal prep by February, you’ve got yourself an incredible gift – and have added value to your home. It’s a win-win situation no matter how you look at it. 

Thor Kitchen’s 36-Inch French Door Refrigerator

Ok, so if you decide to start the new year fresh with a new refrigerator, there is a catch – it cannot be just any refrigerator. They are not, of course, created equal. You need THOR Kitchen’s stainless steel, counter-depth beauty. 

This refrigerator, model number HRF3601F, has two doors that open so you can plainly see everything that is placed inside. And thanks to the bottom freezer, you aren’t breaking your back to see what’s in the fridge each time. These are all must-haves for keeping refrigerators organized. Plus, not one, but two pull-out freezer drawers give you the chance to also organize the freezer, too. Everything is easily visible and can have its own designated spot. 

Plus, it comes with all these fantastic features: 

  • 20.7 cubic feet of flexible storage space. 
  • Showcase LED lighting because it’s going to be the coolest (literally) fridge ever. You will want to show it off. And, you always want to be able to find what you are looking for. 
  • A dual cooling system maintains humidity, prevents spoiling and freezer burn. 
  • Automatic ice maker.
  • Convenient door storage. 
  • Door alarm so nothing accidentally gets left open. 
  • Adjustable racks and shelves so you can fit even the biggest items with ease. 

The icing on the cake for your new refrigerator is its easy to clean, always shiny, timeless stainless steel finish. It’s a beautiful addition to any kitchen, despite the decor. It just fits. 

Well, the new year is upon us – and it is a time for you to say goodbye to the old and welcome in the new. We’ve been through a couple of crazy and unusual years. And you’ve dealt with everything that came your way like the champ you are. So you deserve a new treat – a THOR Kitchen refrigerator – to start fresh for 2022. Besides, you have to keep that significant other and the kids happy, too.Â