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November 8, 2021 | Energy and Efficiency

How to Create a Self-Sufficient Home

vegetables on a cutting board

The world around us is changing. We are always looking for new ways to make things better – both for us and the environment. The more we learn, the more we realize that we cannot just continue to live the way we do and expect resources to continue to work well for us. Perhaps this explains why so many people are turning towards finding self-sufficiency – and creating their homes to do the same. 

Think of it as a step in the right direction – one that will teach your kids to live wisely without relying solely on the big corporations that we so often do. Finding and using alternates is a wise thing to do. So, why not start by creating a self-sufficient home? 

What is a Self-Sufficient Home? 

Before we go any further, let’s answer the question – what is a self-sufficient home? We need to understand what this means – and what it looks like – before we can continue moving forward. A self-sufficient home is one that helps you live a healthy, sustainable life that relies less on the outside world and more on itself. Typically, this means finding alternatives. 

Think about the natural disasters, food shortages, and so forth that so often impact our world. What if you could do something to reduce the way you are impacted when these things strike? No, we are not talking about transforming into doomsday preppers or anything like that. Rather, just create a home in which you live more in touch with nature and opt to be a friend to the environment rather than a foe.

Whether you want to go all in to create a self-sufficient home or you are looking to make small steps to make a difference, here are a few ways you can get started. 

Plant a Garden

First things first, if you are going to create a self-sufficient home, then you need to be able to feed yourself and your family, right? Many people may have land that is zoned as agricultural. And maybe they want to have this land full of animals to survive. While that sure is one way to do it, it is not a very feasible option for the rest of us. Most of us live in residential neighborhoods – and the neighbors may not take too kindly to cows and pigs and chickens running wild in the backyard. 

A simple garden can be done anywhere – and it can provide your family with a lot of nutrition.  Do some research and discover ways to create a garden based on the climate where you live, including the best soil, best produce to grow, and the optimal time to plant. 

Your Kitchen Appliances

Once you start growing your own food and begin your harvest, you are going to want to have some energy-efficient appliances to help you cook it all up into something delicious. Now, there are many appliances on the market that claim to be energy efficient, but it is important to know that natural gas is a fantastic option for your kitchen. Not only will this give you the opportunity to continue to have real appliances that help you have normalcy in your kitchen, but it also aids in the reduction of overall carbon emissions. 

Thor Kitchen’s 24 Inch Professional Electric Range

Another option is to go for well-designed appliances that are meant to be efficient and run well, like this 24-inch electric range or an energy-efficient refrigerator. This means you get more while using less. Consider even switching out your entire kitchen for more efficient options. Not only will everything be uniform and look great, but you can feel good about them, too. 

Small changes toward transitioning your kitchen to be more self-sufficient can make a bigger impact on the environment than you realize – and that feels good. 


Manage Your Water

What happens if one day you go to turn on the faucet to brush your teeth and there is no water? What will you do? Sure, you may have a bottle of water around that you can use. But that won’t be enough to water your garden to grow food for your family. 

You need a plan for water. It is an incredibly important resource that is vital to life. And, believe it or not, you can have access to your own supply with just a few easy steps. It all comes down to collecting rainwater. Granted, if you live in an area where rain doesn’t come very often, this may be a bit more tricky. But, unless you can dig up your own well, rainwater is the next best choice. 

Set up a system to collect rainwater as it comes. This can be used for things like watering the garden, showering, or even laundry. Though keep in mind that if you intend to use it for drinking, you will need to have a filtration system set up. 

Use Alternative Energy Sources

Alternative energy sources are becoming more and more popular – especially when it comes to solar panels. If you look around your neighborhood, you may even see solar panels on roofs of those looking to become a little more self-sufficient. 

The panels on the roof collect sunlight all day and stores it to be used as energy to run your home. Rather than relying on your local electric company, you are relying on the sun’s natural power to bring energy into your home.  And it is enough to run your entire home! Talk about being self-sufficient! 

Your Self-Sufficient Home

Your home is where you live and feel secure. And it should be a place that, when the world around you goes awry, you should be able to find peace.

To create a self-sufficient home, consider modern kitchen appliances, planting a garden, collecting and recycling water, and more. Keep in mind that while the initial cost and work to create a self-sufficient home may seem a little high, the savings and freedom you will receive because of it will be well worth it in the long run.