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August 5, 2019 | Range Hoods

10 Helpful Kitchen Hood Cleaning Tips

Kitchen Hood Cleaning

You know it’s important to keep your kitchen clean, including everything in it. We’ve shared a few tips on cleaning your refrigerator, cleaning your ice maker, and more, but today we’re taking a look at the kitchen hood.

This appliance is designed to filter airborne grease, combustion products, fumes, and smoke, so it’s important to take the time to clean it once in a while.

In this article, we’ll take a look at several kitchen hood cleaning tips.

10 Helpful Kitchen Hood Cleaning Tips

A range hood is one of those appliances that sit in your kitchen without getting much thought or action. And, sure, maybe you use your range hood every now and then. But, did you know that it actually has more of a significant job in your kitchen than you realize?

Whether you realize it or not, when you cook, the vapors and all that is released can contain harmful, toxic particles. Rather than leaving them to hang around for you to breathe, your range hood sucks the dirty air in, filters it, and recirculates the clean air back to your kitchen.

And, believe it or not, it is not just toxins that are removed, but heat, steam, and smells as well. No one likes a hot and steamy kitchen coated with smells of the salmon you just ate. The salmon can taste delectable, but smelling it is another story. Using your range hood will suck out the smells and the heat, helping your home’s cooling system work much more efficiently.

Because we don’t often think about the range hood, we often take it for granted. Unfortunately, this means that your filters could be so clogged that they are not even able to do their job. Cleaning and maintaining your range hood will keep it working in proper order for years to come. And, because most people would stand still scratching their heads not knowing where to even start with cleaning the range hood, we’ve got 10 helpful kitchen hood clean tips – just for you!

Remove your filters from the range hood

The first step you should take when cleaning your range hood is to remove your filters. These are, of course, the main part of the range hood that gets the job done. Removing them will give you the opportunity to see what you are working with.

The filters will vary for each range hood. However, they typically pop out or slide out. Others you may have to push and slide. Some will have handles, some won’t. Some will have pull tabs, others won’t. Some may even have basic instructions printed on the range hood. Carefully look at your filter on the underside of your range hood to determine how to remove them. If needed, consult your owner’s manual.

Fill your sink with HOT water

The hotter the better, in this instance – so boil up some water if you need to. After all, we are talking about removing nasty grease and other airborne food particles that have been attached for extended periods of time. You are going to submerge the filters into the water so make sure you have enough. If space doesn’t allow it, consider using a bucket or else clean half of the filter at a time, turning it over.

To the hot water, you will want to add dish soap and baking soda

You are free to choose the dish soap of your choice, but Dawn is a powerful grease-fighting brand that works well.

Use enough soap to get the water soapy. And then add about ¼ to ½ cup of baking soda. Mix well.

Place your filters in the water.

Ideally, you want them to fit all the way, but that is not always doable. If you can’t, place them underwater as much as possible. Once you finish all the steps, then re-follow the steps for the other portions of filter that didn’t get clean the first time.

Soak your filters for ten to twelve minutes

Don’t get impatient. Don’t pull your filters out to look at them. Just leave them alone, allowing them to soak and loosen the debris and grease on the filters.

Keep in mind that this is the time for routine cleaning. If you have not cleaned your range hood filters in quite a while – or if you have never cleaned them – then you may need to let the filters soak for an extended period of time. If necessary, add additional hot water if it begins to cool.

Scrub the filters

Now that you have let the dirty filters soak in the hot water with dish soap and baking soda, it is time to give them a good scrub. It should be a rather easy process, as the loosening that occurs from the does most of the hard work.

Rinse and dry your filters.

When you are done with the scrubbing and you think they are as clean as you are going to be able to get them, then turn on your water and rinse the filters. Gently dry the filters with a soft cloth.

Re-install your filters

Just as you took them down, you need to replace your filters. You need to make sure that they are placed properly in their spot so that they are able to work as they should.

As with a lot of things, filters may come out easier than they go back in. If you find that this is the case, then consider consulting your owner’s manual.

Repeat monthly or bi-monthly

You will want to clean your filters based on how often you cook. Those who cook frequently, such as a few times a week, and use the range hood, will want to clean the filters much more often. In fact, doing so monthly should be efficient.

Otherwise, every couple of months should be just fine for those who do a little less in the kitchen. Feel free to take down your filters sporadically to get an idea of how quickly they dirty. Then, adjust your cleaning schedule accordingly.

Wipe down the outside of the range hood

Splatter from grease and other cooking particles can find themselves a final resting place on your range hood. This can make the range hood begin to look dingy and dull.


Just because your range hood is not one of the appliances you necessarily use to cook your meals does not mean that it is insignificant. Instead, keep your kitchen – and yourself – healthy by cleaning your hood regularly and maintaining it in proper, working order.  Breathe fresh!